Gelöst: Elster “Die Formulardaten sind nicht mehr gültig” Problem.

Ich habe echt alles probiert. Aber: beim Absenden der Formulare in “Mein Elster” bekomme ich immer die Fehlermeldung “Die Formulardaten sind nicht mehr gültig”.

Ich hab’s mit Chrome, Firefox und Egde probiert. Keine Chance.

Meine Lösung: Der Opera Browser.

Tatsächlich geht es mit ihm einwandfrei und ohne Probleme.

Hat’s bei Dir auch geklappt? Schreib’s in die Kommentare 🙂

Lösung: Netzlaufwerke verbinden mit unterschiedlichen Benutzerdaten (Video)

Ich hatte heute (mal wieder) das Problem, dass ich Netzlaufwerke mit unterschiedlichen Benutzerdaten auf einem Rechner einrichten muss.
Das Szenario: Ein PC greift mit user1:user1  auf verschiedene Shares zu, soll aber mit user2:user2  auf andere Shares auf dem selben Host zugreifen.

Lösung: Netzlaufwerke verbinden mit unterschiedlichen Benutzerdaten (Video) weiterlesen

Quick Analysis: News websites blocking AI bots

I have wanted to see how many news websites have blocked the AI Bots so far using the Disallow rules.

To get some usefule website data, I have checked on Github and found this repository: news-hub by Pr0gramWizard. It includes an SQL file with a lot of websites and their respective categories.

I have used the data contained within that SQL file and filtered for “news” websites.

See how many news publishers are blocking AI bots

Find non-lazy-loaded images with ScreamingFrog custom extraction

If you need this, and you’re using ScreamingFrog for this, you know how to use it 🙂 No explanation, no how-to, here’s the regex to use in your custom extraction in ScreamingFrog.

<\s*img(?![^>]*loading)[^>]*src\s*=\s*["']([^"']+)["'][^>]*>Code-Sprache: JavaScript (javascript)

Note: This only works with “simple” HTML <img> tags, not srcsets. Sorry. This was enough to get the job done for me.

SEO Bookmarklet: Find images without alt attribute

Here’s a quick one for you SEO folks out there.

This browser bookmarklet will highlight all images without an “alt” attribute and those with an empty alt attribute in red, and download a list of the images.

It will help you get a very quick overview over where the alt attributes are missing, so you can easily edit them without having to check each image manually.

javascript:(function() {
  var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
  var highlightedImages = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
    var image = images[i];
    var altText = image.getAttribute('alt');

    if (!altText || altText.trim() === '') { = '2px solid red';

      var overlay = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = image.offsetTop + 'px'; = image.offsetLeft + 'px'; = image.offsetWidth + 'px'; = image.offsetHeight + 'px'; = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)'; = 'none';

      image.parentNode.insertBefore(overlay, image);


  console.log('Highlighted Images:', highlightedImages);

  var date = new Date();
  var dateString = date.toLocaleString();

  var content = 'Page URL: ' + window.location.href + '\n';
  content += 'Date and Time: ' + dateString + '\n\n';
  content += 'Highlighted Images:\n' + highlightedImages.join('\n');

  var blob = new Blob([content], { type: 'text/plain' });
  var link = document.createElement('a'); = 'highlighted_images.txt';
  link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);;
Code-Sprache: JavaScript (javascript)

I also have a list of really cool SEO bookmarklets – check it out!

How to easily find CSS above the fold for your entire website quickly

Stylesheets included via link tags can cause rendering delays because the browser waits for the CSS to be fully downloaded and parsed before displaying any content. This can result in significant delays, especially for users on high latency networks like mobile connections.

To optimize page loading, PageSpeed recommends splitting your CSS into two parts. The first part should be in-line and responsible for styling the content that appears above the fold (initially visible portion of the page). The remaining CSS can be deferred and loaded later, reducing the impact on initial page rendering.

Optimize your ATF CSS

CSS-Optimierung: Ganz einfach das CSS above-the-fold finden.

Ja, wir wissen alle, dass wir unser CSS optimieren sollten. Das sog. “Crucial CSS”, also die wichtigsten Klassen, sollten wir inline einbauen, und den Rest der Stylesheets deferen. Aber wie findet man einfach die CSS-Klassen, die above the fold genutzt werden?

So einfach geht es mit JavaScript

Use Google Sheets to pull website data for your SEO game

Google Sheets is my love. They haven’t been before – to be honest: I avoided spreadsheets as much as I could. But ever since I started my current job, I have learned to love working with spreadsheets.

Lately, I have been playing around with Google Sheets to get a quick overview of live webpage data without using any other tools.

Learn to use IMPORTXML for SEO